Saranghae Soekhui

By 08:55 , , , , , , ,

Drafted this post soooo long ago but totally forgot to post it! explains the existence of my blog since I have severe Short Term Memory, have to pen down everything so that I can read it again when I do forget.

Soekhui's birthday (pronounced Seok-hui) fell on the September holidays when we were busy mugging our pants off for promos, or at least tried to. So we didn't celebrate on the actual day, and held a surprise after promos instead. The girls really gave it a lot of thought and planned it really well, partly because we wanted to make it up for not celebrating on the actual date. Well, better late than never right?

The theme was a wedding for Soekhui and Donghae because Donghae is apparently her "husband" HAHA. For those of you who are not familiar with this guy, he's this famous popular good-looking korean celebrity in Super Junior. Obviously, we wouldn't tell her it's a wedding celebration so we just casually suggested a clique outing (we were all in the same class in Year3 and 4). I guessed she sort of knew we were planning something cos we always celebrated our birthdays for each other no matter what.

I wanted a ulu (deserted) place to ourselves and suggested the "Food for Thought" Cafe at Botanical Gardens, thinking it would be less crowded on a MONDAY MORNING. But, boy was I wrong, it was pretty packed, but still ulu luh, but it's huge, so never mind. I'll post more on the cafe later on. Julia,Jingting, Yuting and I went to the cafe first to get the cake ready. We got a red-velvet cake and it looked so yummy!
Look at the cardboard standee we did!

Julia & Jingting

Yuting & I

Kailin & Amanda

We handed Soek her first gift, pretending it was the only one, it was a really sweet white lace "wedding" dress and a brown belt, and got her to change into it. She looked so pretty! After that, we had lunch/brunch (more pictures in the next post!)

On a side note, we found some insects (grasshoppers?) mating *disclaimer: they look gross*
How? National Geographic worthy? haha kidding kidding

The entire theme was a wedding celebration right? Since there's a bride (soek), there has to be a groom! But of course, Donghae can't be here HAHA aaannndddd *drum roll please* we asked our ex-classmate to help us out.
Oh so freaking grateful that he actually came down all the way from the west at the other end of the world! Yuting and I sneaked off to fetch him pretending to go take a walk and Soek didn't suspect a thing at all! We were waiting at the entrance of Botanical Gardens for him but he couldn't get a cab and ran from Orchard. I was like "OMG he's running?!" like seriously who runs to get to places nowadays! I'm so darn unfit, if I had to get anywhere, running is definitely not an option. The moment I heard it I just couldn't stop laughing hahaha but inside I'm extremely thankful that he's helping us out. 谢谢你罗!

Anyway while waiting we got bored and took a couple of shots! Actually I thought I could shoot the girls at Botanical Gardens, but by then we've walked so far and it was so hot so they decided not to. Kind of disappointed but oh well.

Pretty girl!

The intricate design on the gates,look out for these if you're trying to find your way!

lovely bride with her tiara & laced gloves
Surprise surprise here comes a masked man! It's donghae hahaha, the mask only.

Congrats to the happy "couple"

Aline even made a bouquet!

After that we headed to National Museum (the one at Dhoby Ghaut) and the architecture is so amazing! Saw about 3 couples taking wedding shots there. Students get to enter free, even for the special exhibits! Aline wanted to visit the "Princely Treasures from the House of Liechtenstein" and I'm so glad we ended up there. The art pieces and artefacts were beautiful, but didn't take any photos cos we happened to chance upon a guided tour. So there we were, on our heels for like 2 hours, my legs gonna die at the end. But, it's worth it luh.

Enjoyed myself so much that day hahaha. Love you girls, hope to hang out again soon!


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